Friday, March 14, 2008

Here is a picture of Alayna taken yesterday, in China. My sister and her husband are going to China next week (!) to get her. They will meet her on Easter, and the new family will be home on April 4th (that happens to be Tony's birthday).
Can you imagine what it must be like for Alayna's new parents? They have been working on the adoption process for over 5 years, and now they are finally getting the daughter they have been dreaming, planning, and praying for. It must be bitter-sweet to get a picture that was taken yesterday- she is so close, yet SO far away. She is their daughter, and yet, someone else had the privilege of taking her picture yesterday, of picking out her clothes, playing with her, sharing meal time with her, cuddling with her. I would tend to feel a sort of jealousy about all the moments that other care givers have gotten, while the parents feel the ache of 'almost' having what they have longed for and worked so hard to get- their own daughter.
I pray for them, that these last 9 days will go by quickly, and that the adjustment to becoming a family will be perfect for the three of them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lately, I have been walking at the mall a few times per week. I want to get a bit of exercise, and the mall is the logical place to do that until it gets warmer outside. If anyone wants to set up a time to walk together, I'm up for that. I'd love to build a friendship while walking.

A couple months ago, my mom sent me something about a certain store in the mall that is known for having inappropriate displays- nearly nude models right out front for everyone to see.
It's about time!

Last week, when I walked past this store, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the store had switched to using models WITH CLOTHES ON! Yay!

Now women won't be faced with an image that displays all that is comparatively inadequate about their own bodies. Now we won't have to shield our children from images they should not be exposed to. Now men walking by won't have to deal with this potential stumbling block in their quest for pure thoughts.

Unfortunately, the store does still have some small posters displayed in front of the store that could qualify as "soft" porn. I look forward to the removal of those pictures as well.