Thursday, August 03, 2006

My two year old, Kaylee, just said to me "What am I thinking"?
So I said, "I don't know. What are you thinking?"
So she headed towards the bathroom and replied "I'm thinking I need a bath".

I love the cute things she says. She comes up with new cute or grown up things to say every day. I think she might be growing up. She was supposed to be my baby forever.


Liz Nyenhuis said...

It truly has been an honor watching your children (all 5 of them) grow over the past few years. Thank you for sharing them with us. Hearing this reminds me of the time I was watching her and one or two of the other ones (after Andrew's surgery). As soon as you got home, she looked at me, got me my sandals, said "bye, Miss Iz," and turned around and walked awway. Or when she asks "I ride in you tuck." These memories I think will stick with me for a long time. Thanks for sharing them with us. BTW, I have a few more Kaylee stories if you want me to share...

Liz Nyenhuis said...

Like the first time we watched her. She cried and cried and cried. Then Jeremy took her. They played "What's in the Pocket" with a dress shirt hanging in the closet. They played "Hit the Hangers Hanging on the Bed". Back to me. More crying. I believe when you came to pick her up, Jeremy was sitting at the table, with Kaylee on her lap, eating peanut butter bread and drinking something.

Anonymous said...

keep those cute stories coming. I love hearing about my kids...