Thursday, June 04, 2009

I'm so frustrated. I wish I could feel successful at something. I wish I could know what the future holds. I wish I could be with my family more. I wish I was good at my job. I wish, I wish I wish...


Liz Nyenhuis said...

AMEN!!! You are NOT alone in your feelings of inadequacy. Here's something my pastor said in a sermon a few months ago:

You aren't good enough. And you'll never BE good enough. BUT you don't have to be. Jesus Christ died on the cross and THAT's good enough.

This is a good reminder to me when I'm down and feeling like I'm less than I should be that Jesus (and God) love me for who I am and that they know I'm trying my best.

Here's a (((HUG))) for you, and don't forget that I'm here if you need me (I'm back in Muskegon, by the way).

amy said...

I feel your pain. I have had a tough quarter with many feelings of inadequacy. I didn't know you were going for your real estate license. How is that going?